Tuesday, April 15, 2008

JP's Big Adventure

There is this guy named Jacob but he goes by JP and he is in love with his neighbor... let's call her DP. One blessed Sunday JP's minister delivers a powerful sermon about the benefits of marriage so JP decides to ask his neighbor to marry him. She agrees and they set a wedding date.

THEN one week before the wedding JP is in a terrible should-be-fatal head-on collision... but miraculously he doesn't die. The driver of the other car, however, is hospitalized in critical condition. Let's cal her JG.

THEN the day before the wedding JG miraculously heals and the next day she attends JP and DP's wedding she wasn't really invited but no one says anything cause the groom did almost kill her last week before she miraculously survived. During the wedding dinner DPP chokes on a chicken bone. She turns blue and passes out and everybody panics except for JG who miraculously remembers the Heimlich maneuver from when they taught it to her in elementary school. So DPP miraculously survives and JG decides to become a doctor because of the sense of fulfillment she got from miraculously saving DPP's life and JP and DPP live happily ever after.


Playa!!! said...

This is a little disappointing. I think that this could all be turned around though, if all of them died, and in the end it turns out that Hannibal Lector was the killer.

DJ Skillz said...

OMG!!! You are so right. JP and JG could have both died in the now-actually-is-fatal accident because as it turned out Hannibal Lector cut their brakes, then Hannibal could pose as JP for the wedding and saved DPL from the choking so that he could kill and eat her on their honeymoon. That is SOOOO much better. Thanks playa!!!

Parker said...

JP wants to know if the other initials are significant, and if you are implying anything...
And yes, they should have died. That is so much better. Ditch the Hannibal Lector. He's soooo 1991.