Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The OTHER Ryan White Story

It's October 31, 1984 and Martin can't wait for the trick-or-treaters. Halloween is easily Martin's favorite holiday, probably because it combines two of Martin's favorite things: kids and costumes. Martin is new to this neighborhood and doesn't know what time to expect trick-or-treaters, but he sure doesn't want to miss them so he made sure to finish the last batch of chocolate covered GHB before 4 PM just in case. Martin has been laying low for the last month and a half so none of his neighbors have gotten to know him that well, and none of his neighbors suspect a thing...

Unfortunately, neither does Martin. You see, because he hasn't gotten to know his neighbors he doesn't know that the 13 year old boy next door is a hemophiliac. Nope, all Martin knows is that the kid looks pretty good in that Superman suit. And he knows he's going to leave the mask on...


Anonymous said...

that poor kid will bleed to death when he is butt rapped
it is so so so sad

Playa!!! said...

This one is pretty messed up... I don't know that I can approve this one.

DJ Skillz said...

I love this so much. I also considered calling it "The Mystery of Who Gave Who AIDS"

megan said...

This is disturbing and inappropriate.

DJ Skillz said...

It's supposed to be disturbing. It's a Halloween movie. Like Saw XVIII.

Playa!!! said...

I still think Roebot vs Wade was better. Still disapprove, but i love YOU though, djskillzyboy! TREATSY PIE! BOYHAüS,BOYHAüS,ROKK ROKK ROKK!