Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dead Teachers Society

Here is a good movie idea that I turned in for class once. It was about a student (Richard) who has fantastic movie ideas and turns them in to his teacher (Molly). His teacher (Molly) gives him (Richard) poor marks. Then the student (Richard) turns in a fantastic movie idea in which a teacher (Megan) gives a student (Dick) poor marks, and then the student (Dick) kills the teacher (Megan). The teacher (Molly) writes "This is sick, I'm reporting you, F" and returns it to the student (Richard). However, the teacher (Molly) goes missing before that report is ever made.

Needless to say, the teacher (my teacher) was not thrilled with the student (me). I don't think she ever disappeared though. It was a harmless jest.

**Also, this is an important addendum, Jodie Foster still has got it goin' on!!!


Playa!!! said...

I mean, I know that guy tried to kill Ronald Reagan for her, but that is not classy. That is NOT the way to impress a girl. Class--that's how to impress Jodie Foster, and class, my friend, class is exactly what I've got.

DJ Skillz said...